Covenant History: The Last 25 Years, Part 2

Covenant History: The Last 25 Years, Part 2

The last 25 years of Covenant’s 100-Year history was one of great activity. The summary of that history is in 3 parts! Here is part 2 (2004-2010), recently completed by our dedicated archivist, Nancy Hansen. During this time the Sanctuary and parsonage were renovated and many of our current missions and ministries were in full-swing.

Everybody Wins in Covenant’s Big Game Against Hunger

Everybody Wins in Covenant’s Big Game Against Hunger

Players from Covenant Church and teams from all over the community came together last Sunday to pull off a big win. Each year Covenant and friends participate in the National Souper Bowl of Caring (SBOC), a youth-inspired, youth-led movement to tackle hunger during the weeks leading up to the NFL’s Super Bowl. In January, teams…

Update from Bishop Schol: Thank you for stepping up to the challenge.

Update from Bishop Schol: Thank you for stepping up to the challenge.

Covenant, you certainly tackled the challenge from Bishop Schol. Thank you. You’ll see a photo of our crew sorting donations in the video! Message from Bishop Schol: Food Collection Update Dear Friends in Christ, This past Sunday, the winners were the people in our communities. You raised 74,044 pounds of food. Praise God! Thank you…