The purpose of Covenant United Methodist Church is to be a vital and inclusive
Christian community of faith that reaches out to Springfield, Pennsylvania
and beyond through the love of Jesus Christ to make disciples
of all people through ministries of service, learning, and worship.
Our Senior Pastor
Mark Terry
Reverend Terry came to Covenant after completing 10 years as the pastor at Oxford UMC, in Southern Chester County. Prior to that he was the pastor at Bethel UMC (5 minutes from Camp Innabah), and before that he was pastor of Mount Carmel UMC in St. Peter's Village while attending Lancaster Theological Seminary. He is married to Jennifer, and they have 3 sons.
If Mark needed to sum up his beliefs, it would be that we are called by Jesus Christ to achieve eternal life in this life —that is, to seek the oneness with God that Jesus demonstrated in his earthly ministry. When we can live as Jesus did before us (engaged in acts of justice, mercy, and love) we can experience the eternal presence of God. People can find these moments by accident, or the faithful can join in community to support and love one another, so that these moments happen more and more often for ourselves and for our neighbors. He hopes to see us all engaged in joyful worship and humble service, guided by the Holy Spirit.