Covenant Youth: October Calendar

Covenant Youth is open to all 6th-12th grade students.
For more information, contact Deacon Diana Esposito
For more information about Help Build Hope, contact Greg Corner
Covenant Youth is open to all 6th-12th grade students.
For more information, contact Deacon Diana Esposito
For more information about Help Build Hope, contact Greg Corner
Youth Sunday SchoolWeekly 9:15-10 amYouth Room Youth Group7:00-8:30 pmApril 23 Appalachia Service Project Team Gathering7:00-8:30 pmApril 2, April 16 & April 30 Appalachia Service Project Fundraisers & Special ProjectsMarch 31 & April 1: Shawn’s Eagle Scout Project Assistance (playground)April 2: 5 pm Egg Stuffing for Egg My YardApril 7: 8 pm Egg LayingApril 8: 7…
Breakfast with Santa is returning at Covenant UMC on Saturday, December 9, 2023! Santa will be present 9:30 am – 11:30 am. More information soon. Save the Date!
Saturday, February 15, 2025 2-4 pm in Wesley Hall Covenant is hosting Games with Friends for people of all ages — friends and games provided (or bring your own). Children, youth, families, couples, adult singles… everyone is welcome to join us to play games. This is not a drop off event, parents should plan to…
We will be celebrating the birth of Jesus 3 times in 3 distinct ways on Christmas Eve, so we hope you will join us at least once, if not twice! At 10:15am, our regular Sunday morning worship time, Pastor Mark will break out his saxophone for the prelude, and we will hear the familiar story,…
Sunday, February 1912-1:30 pmFellowship Hall Find your next volunteer opportunity at Covenant’s Community Service Fair! Looking for a way to spend more time with your kids? Need community service hours for scouting or honor society? Want a way to give back to your community? Trying to meet some new people? There’s something for everyone with…
Unwrap the gifts of hope, love, joy and peace with us at Covenant. 2024 Advent and Christmas seasons calendar of events. Sun 12/1 10:15 am: 1st week of Advent followed by decorating the churchSanctuaryPreacher: Rev. Mark Terry “Don’t Call it a Comeback” Tues 12/3 7 pm: How to Cope with the HolidaysKingswood ChapelIf the holidays…