Girl Scouts Receive Anniversary Patches
Covenant celebrated Girl Scout Sunday on March 20. To commemorate the event and the important place the Girl Scouts have in the Covenant Family, Brownie Troop 5555 and Senior Troop 5783 and their leaders will receive custom-made patches with the Covenant Anniversary logo. Troop 5555 has a membership of 25. Troop 5783 has 13 members. Representatives of the troops participated in the service, and then shared scrapbooks of their service projects, fun activities, and cookie sales.
The Senior Troop has been meeting at Covenant for 10 years since they were Daisies in Kindergarten. Last year seven of the girls completed their Silver Award badge, which is awarded for 50 hours of service. The girls helped with Souper Bowl of Caring and the Life Center and are currently making Blessing Bags for the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County. They are raising money toward a trip to London in May 2023. Troop 5555 has conducted a food drive, practiced first aid, studied about the Australian wildfires and collected money for the koalas, learned how to properly fold the American Flag, and wrote letters to girls whose families were living in freezing temperatures due to the winter storm in Texas that took out power.
The Troops thank Covenant for providing the meeting space and a home!