Covenant Youth: March Calendar

Weekly on Sundays
9:15-10 am Youth AM Gather (Kingswood 4)
10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary)
March 3: Lunch and Snow Tubing (this replaces the regularly scheduled ASP meeting)
March 10:
Confirmation Class 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Youth Group 7-8:30 pm
March 17: ASP Team Gather 7-8:30 pm
March 24:
Egg Stuffing (Egg Hunt) following Worship
Confirmation Class 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Egg Stuffing (Egg My Yard) 5 pm (correction to the printed scheduled above)
Youth Group 7-8:30 pm
Holy Week Schedule
March 28: Holy Thursday Worship 7 pm
March 29: Good Friday services 12 pm and 7 pm
March 31: Easter Services 7:00 am and 10:15 am
Covenant Youth is open to all 6th-12th grade students. For more information, contact Deacon Diana Esposito