Covenant Youth: November Calendar

Covenant Youth is open to all 6th-12th grade students.
For more information, contact Deacon Diana Esposito
For more information about Help Build Hope, contact Greg Corner
Covenant Youth is open to all 6th-12th grade students.
For more information, contact Deacon Diana Esposito
For more information about Help Build Hope, contact Greg Corner
This fall, pick your pumpkins at the Great Covenant ASP Team Pumpkin Patch. While supporting our Appalachia Service Project team, you can find some crafty pumpkin decorations, enjoy tasty seasonal treats and play some festive fall games. The patch will be open October 12 – 20. We could use your help: Please contact Greg Corner…
Covenant’s Appalachia Service Project (ASP) team is getting ready for our annual summer mission trip. This is our 43nd year participating with ASP! On June 29th, we’ll depart for a week of service in Perry County, Kentucky to help improve living conditions for some families in need. This is Covenant’s fourth time serving in Perry…
Weekly on Sundays 9:15-10 am Youth AM Gather (Kingswood 4) – (except December 24)10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary) December 3: Youth Group with friends from First Pres 7-8:30 pm (Kingswood 4) December 7-9: Breakfast with Santa prep & event December 10: ASP Team Gather 7-8:30 pm December 17: Combined Christmas Party (Youth, ASP Team, and alumni)…
Santa will be visiting Covenant UMC for breakfastSunday, December 7th 8:30 – 11:30 pm(Santa will be present 9:00 am – 11:00 am) Buy tickets today! The event sold out in 2023. Tickets are $15 per person (ages 3+), under 3 years of age are free. Tickets are needed for all participants. Tickets include pancakes breakfast,…
Unwrap the gifts of hope, love, joy and peace with us at Covenant. 2024 Advent and Christmas seasons calendar of events. Sun 12/1 10:15 am: 1st week of Advent followed by decorating the churchSanctuaryPreacher: Rev. Mark Terry “Don’t Call it a Comeback” Tues 12/3 7 pm: How to Cope with the HolidaysKingswood ChapelIf the holidays…
Get homemade pies for Thanksgiving and help repair homes for families in need. Covenant’s Appalachia Service Project (ASP) team is holding our annual fall pie sale. We’re selling delicious pies from Weaver’s Orchard in these scrumptious varieties: Apple Caramel Walnut, Apple Lattice Top, Cherry Lattice Top, Blackberry Lattice Top, Strawberry Rhubarb, Peach and Pumpkin! These pies are…