Covenant’s Anniversary Highlighted in Conference NewsSpirit Digest
The February 26th edition of the NewsSpirit Digest of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference includes an article on Covenant’s Anniversary. Read the article here.
The February 26th edition of the NewsSpirit Digest of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference includes an article on Covenant’s Anniversary. Read the article here.
The call to come to Covenant came as a surprise! But, Dale and Patti found many of the same blessings that are still in evidence at Covenant today (even though the names have changed): excellent staff, a great music program, and a nursery school with a terrific reputation. Pastor Dale served as Senior Pastor from…
The chalice used for Communion on November 6 was given in loving memory of Frederick William Schwarz by his wife, Jane in 1975. It is sterling silver and number 43 of a limited edition. This chalice is a copy of one given to Francis Asbury by John Wesley in 1785. The original is on display…
Rev. Clinton Cherry (pictured, 1928-1932) was the first fully ordained minister to serve Covenant. Through its 100-year history, Covenant has had 17 senior pastors, 30 associate pastors, and 9 assistants who helped with visitation and ministries to families, youth and children. See the complete list below. Ministers of Covenant United Methodist Church of Springfield Bold…
“On a windy and snowy day, just above freezing in 1922, a group of believers gathered to say: “We are the church.” This began the Call to Worship and a very meaningful worship experience to start Covenant’s 100th Anniversary Year. District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Evelyn Kent-Clark reminded us in her sermon that God is “Calling…
You [the people of Covenant] are always in our thoughts and prayers as you go into the future. In April, Bruce and Ellen Hazelwood sent a reflection in honor of Covenant’s Anniversary and their time with us. Read Pastor Bruce’s complete reflection below.
On October 2, Rev. Bob Mongold, who served Covenant as Senior Pastor from 1988 to 2004, returned to the pulpit. Bob and his wife Dianne traveled from their retirement home in Williamsburg, VA to take part in the Anniversary celebration. Bob recalled that his years at Covenant have been among the happiest of his life….