Covenant’s Choirs Continue a Long Tradition of Special Music for Advent

On December 11th, the third Sunday of Advent, following on a long tradition of presenting special music for the Advent Season, Covenant’s Chancel Choir, Covenant Ringers bell choir, percussionists, and readers from within the congregation presented Hal Hopson’s cantata Sing Noel! A Carol Service. Hal Hopson (born in Texas in 1933) has over 3,000 published works, which comprise almost every musical form in church music. He has a special interest in congregational singing, always striving to include the congregation as active participants. His published repertoire includes anthems for choirs of all ages and compositions for organ, piano, harpsichord, and handbells. In Sing Noel!, Hopson blends anthems, readings and congregational hymn singing into this musical service which was made popular and continues to this day in Cambridge, England. It features a series of 10 readings and “carols” that tell the story of Jesus’ birth. Hopson takes familiar and less familiar carols and adds new rhythms and harmonies. The readings are drawn from centuries of English poetry.

YouTube video
Covenant Worship Service – December 11, 2022

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