Mark Your Calendar: Petals, Pedals & Pancakes
Thw event that puts the fun in fundraiser is comping back for another year!
The Covenant Appalachia Service Project Team is getting ready for our summer mission trip to Central Appalachia. We’ve grown our annual plant sale into a bigger event: ASP Petals, Pedals & Pancakes – with all kinds of ways to support the ASP team.
Mark you calendar. We’ll start things at 8 am on Saturday, April 27, 2024. Stop by anytime until noon. Here’s what we’re planning:
Pancakes: Breakfast @ 8:00 – 11:00
Petals: Plant Sale @ 9:00 – noon
Pedals: Bike Checks @ 9:00 – 11:00
Projects: Paint a Project @ 8:00 – noon
Prizes: Silent Auction Baskets @ 8:00 – 11:45 (prizes awarded at noon)
You can bid on great stuff
Have a business and want to donate a silent auction item? Fill out the interest form below.
Thank you to the very generous companies who have already donated to our silent auction:

More info soon!
All proceeds go straight to the ASP team’s summer mission trip.