
You aren’t really living until you’re making a difference in this world.

Serving others is vital step in your spiritual journey. Jesus said "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."

We Believe in Serving Others

As Methodists, we believe that God has given us the means to grow more in love with God, with people, and become more like Christ.  These means include prayer, fasting, worship, and the sacraments.  They also include acts of mercy and compassion.

These acts of mercy and compassion help us fall in love with God more by extending God's love within us to those who are in material, physical, and spiritual need. At Covenant, we want everyone to make use of these means of grace through local, national, and international ministries with projects that involve both hands-on work and financial generosity.

Explore the various ministries that Covenant supports through the gifts of time, talent, funds, and prayer.  Then connect with us to get involved!

Serve our Community

Throughout the year, we find different ways to love and serve our community. Springfield and Delaware County are the places God has called us to love, and we intend to do everything we can to love this community well.

Fighting Food Insecurity

With hunger being an ever-present battle for local families, we work to help fight food insecurity all year.  We conduct multiple ministries to provide much needed donations to local food pantries.  These include monthly food collections, a Harvest Home food drive in November and Delco Souper Bowl of Caring food drives in February.  For our monthly collections, please drop off donations in Wesley Hall at the church.  Look for announcements about our other food drives in our publications and online.

Life Center of Eastern Delaware County

Life Center of Eastern Delaware County provides emergency housing and meals to homeless individuals. Covenant partners with the Life Center to provide dinner for the individuals they serve. Every other month a team of volunteers provide, deliver and serve home cooked meals and bagged lunches. Each time we serve, the team of volunteers can vary as volunteers sign up whenever they are available. There are many ways to be part of this ministry: purchasing items at the grocery store, preparing food at home, preparing meals to be served and serving dinner at the center. It's a terrific way to involve your kids. Look for the sign-up announcements here and in our other publications.

Delco Souper Bowl of Caring

Covenant members provide both leadership and muscle for the Delco Souper Bowl of Caring, a massive event in February which consists of a community food drive where donations are collected from local households, then sorted, packed and shipped to multiple Delaware County food pantries; and a Covenant food drive which provides donations to two local food pantries.

In addition to these programs, we host events to give people even more opportunities to serve our community.

National & Global Missions

At the end of it all, this world will end. But we have a hope that is eternal. It outlasts the universe itself, and we want to see that hope reach the farthest ends of the earth.

Appalachia Service Project

Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that fosters human development by addressing the housing needs of Central Appalachia. Covenant has been doing ASP since 1982. Join us on our yearly summer mission trip, or fall mini-mission trip, or by supporting our team through one of our fundraisers or by your prayers.

Missionaries to Nepal

We have long supported United Methodist Missionaries Mark and Deirdre Zimmerman who serve in Kathmandu, Nepal.  Mark practice medicine at Patan Hospital and Deirdre concentrates on nutrition and hygiene programs for the people of Nepal.  Prayer forms the foundation of their work, and Deirdre and Mark have often felt the uplift of prayer in their daily lives.


The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and serve as a source of help and hope for the vulnerable.  UMCOR provides disaster relief in response to local, national and international events.

Serve's Up

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