Covenant Youth:  January Calendar

Covenant Youth: January Calendar

January 5:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: Youth Group (Youth Room) January 12:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship – Special Music (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall) January 19:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: Youth Group & ASP Combined Christmas Party (Fellowship Hall) January…

Covenant Youth:  December Calendar

Covenant Youth: December Calendar

December 1:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall) December 6:Breakfast with Santa Prep December 7:7 am – 12 pm Breakfast with Santa December 8:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: Youth Group (Youth Room) December 14:9 am – 1 pm: City Team Meal Delivery…

September Fostering Hope Delco donations

September Fostering Hope Delco donations

We are very grateful to announce that Fostering Hope Delco received 36 packs of wipes and 8 packs of diapers, in addition to clothing, high chairs, gates, hygiene supplies, and other baby supplies. For October we will continue collecting diapers (sizes 4-6) and wipes. Donations can be placed in the Wesley Hall baskets or brought…

The kids at Fostering Hope Delco need your help!

The kids at Fostering Hope Delco need your help!

Thank you for your regular commitment to supporting Fostering Hope Delco since January 2023! The volunteers at Fostering Hope are grateful for our commitment to supporting foster children and their families. Continued donations can be placed in the bin in Wesley Hall throughout the month. What’s needed most in September 2024?Diapers & Wipes For more information…

Fostering Hope Delco need your help!

Fostering Hope Delco need your help!

Thank you for your regular commitment to supporting Fostering Hope Delco throughout the last year! Fostering Hope relies on donations to keep the Foster-Share Closet open and Bags of Hope going to foster families and children. Continued donations can be placed in the bin in Wesley Hall throughout the month. What’s needed most in February 2024?Packs…


April 2023 Youth Schedule

Youth Sunday SchoolWeekly 9:15-10 amYouth Room Youth Group7:00-8:30 pmApril 23 Appalachia Service Project Team Gathering7:00-8:30 pmApril 2, April 16 & April 30 Appalachia Service Project Fundraisers & Special ProjectsMarch 31 & April 1: Shawn’s Eagle Scout Project Assistance (playground)April 2: 5 pm Egg Stuffing for Egg My YardApril 7: 8 pm Egg LayingApril 8: 7…

Together we can do a little good: Community Service Fair
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Together we can do a little good: Community Service Fair

Sunday, February 1912-1:30 pmFellowship Hall Find your next volunteer opportunity at Covenant’s Community Service Fair! Looking for a way to spend more time with your kids? Need community service hours for scouting or honor society? Want a way to give back to your community? Trying to meet some new people? There’s something for everyone with…

Fostering Hope Delco: January Donation

Fostering Hope Delco: January Donation

Thank you for donating 287 pairs of new socks to Fostering Hope Delco in January! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of brand new socks. February donation item: children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste for children and adults Fostering Hope Delco is a 100% volunteer run non-profit organization that strives to provide an exchange of resources to…