Covenant Youth: March Calendar
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Covenant Youth: March Calendar

Weekly on Sundays 9:15-10 am Youth AM Gather (Kingswood 4)10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary) March 2: Youth Group (Kingswood 4)March 9: ASP Team Gather (Fellowship)March 15: ASP Bake Sale (St. Patrick’s Day Parade)March 16: Youth Group (Kingswood 4)March 23: ASP Team Gather (Fellowship)March 30: Youth Group (Kingswood 4) Covenant Youth is open to all 6th-12th grade…

VBS 2025: Just Like Me! Register today!
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VBS 2025: Just Like Me! Register today!

Covenant UMC will be in the garden growing faith this summer as it co-hosts Vacation Bible School for a 5th summer with Shorter AMEC and Wesley AMEC! July 13-17,20255:30-8 pmLocation: Shorter AMEC (Morton, PA) JUST Like Me centers the deep and active faith lives of participants and engages the real-world contexts in which they live….

Covenant Youth: February Calendar

Covenant Youth: February Calendar

Weekly on Sundays 9:15-10 am Youth AM Gather (Kingswood 4)10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary) Souper Bowl of CaringFebruary 1 & 8: Meet at St. Matthew’s Lutheran at 9:30 amFebruary 9: Pack Out following worship (Kingswood 2/3)TBD: Delivery Games with Friends (Wesley Hall)February 15: 2-4 pm February 2: Youth Group (Kingswood 4)February 9: No ASPFebruary 16: Youth…

Covenant Youth:  January Calendar

Covenant Youth: January Calendar

January 5:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: Youth Group (Youth Room) January 12:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship – Special Music (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall) January 19:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: Youth Group & ASP Combined Christmas Party (Fellowship Hall) January…

Covenant Youth:  December Calendar

Covenant Youth: December Calendar

December 1:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall) December 6:Breakfast with Santa Prep December 7:7 am – 12 pm Breakfast with Santa December 8:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: Youth Group (Youth Room) December 14:9 am – 1 pm: City Team Meal Delivery…

Christmas is better when we share it together
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Christmas is better when we share it together

Unwrap the gifts of hope, love, joy and peace with us at Covenant. 2024 Advent and Christmas seasons calendar of events. Sun 12/1 10:15 am: 1st week of Advent followed by decorating the churchSanctuaryPreacher: Rev. Mark Terry “Don’t Call it a Comeback” Tues 12/3 7 pm: How to Cope with the HolidaysKingswood ChapelIf the holidays…