Save the Date for Breakfast with Santa: December 9

Breakfast with Santa is returning at Covenant UMC on Saturday, December 9, 2023! Santa will be present 9:30 am – 11:30 am. More information soon. Save the Date!
Breakfast with Santa is returning at Covenant UMC on Saturday, December 9, 2023! Santa will be present 9:30 am – 11:30 am. More information soon. Save the Date!
December 1:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall) December 6:Breakfast with Santa Prep December 7:7 am – 12 pm Breakfast with Santa December 8:9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)7-8:30 pm: Youth Group (Youth Room) December 14:9 am – 1 pm: City Team Meal Delivery…
Youth Sunday SchoolWeekly 9:15-10 amYouth Room Youth Group7:00-8:30 pmApril 23 Appalachia Service Project Team Gathering7:00-8:30 pmApril 2, April 16 & April 30 Appalachia Service Project Fundraisers & Special ProjectsMarch 31 & April 1: Shawn’s Eagle Scout Project Assistance (playground)April 2: 5 pm Egg Stuffing for Egg My YardApril 7: 8 pm Egg LayingApril 8: 7…
Weekly on Sundays 9:15-10 am Youth AM Gather (Kingswood 4)10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary) Souper Bowl of CaringFebruary 3 & 10: Meet at St. Matthew’s Lutheran at 9:30 amFebruary 11: Pack Out following worship (Kingswood 2/3)February 19: Delivery SBOC donations (and go skating!) Games with Friends (Fellowship)February 17: 2-4 pm February 4: ASP Team Gather (Fellowship)February…
Saturday, February 17, 2024 2-4 pm in Fellowship Hall Covenant is hosting a Game Night for people of all ages — friends and games provided (or bring your own). Children, youth, families, couples, adult singles… everyone is welcome to join us to play games. This is not a drop off event, parents should plan to…
Calling all Peeps for some Egg-citing fun at this Community Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 8, 2023 3-5 pm Wagner Wayside Park (61 Saxer Avenue, Springfield) Everyone welcome! The event will also include games & crafts. For more information, contact Deacon Diana Esposito.
Fall Children and Youth Sunday is 3 weeks away! We are still looking for children and youth to sign up to be readers, musicians, actors, greeters, and ushers. Covenant first graders will receive their dedicated Bibles on that morning too! Children and youth families can contact Deacon Diana Esposito to sign up to help lead…