Save the Date for Breakfast with Santa: December 9

Breakfast with Santa is returning at Covenant UMC on Saturday, December 9, 2023! Santa will be present 9:30 am – 11:30 am. More information soon. Save the Date!
Breakfast with Santa is returning at Covenant UMC on Saturday, December 9, 2023! Santa will be present 9:30 am – 11:30 am. More information soon. Save the Date!
Calling all Peeps for some Egg-citing fun at this Community Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 30, 2023 2:30-4 pm Wagner Wayside Park (61 Saxer Avenue, Springfield) Everyone welcome! We will be using a cooperative egg hunting method again (in comparison to traditional competitive methods) so show up anytime 2:30-4 pm. The event will also include…
We are looking forward to a full house at Breakfast with Santa on 12/7. Tickets are now sold out. Are you looking for a less intense photo option for your family? Contact Deacon Diana about the lower sensory low-key holiday photos on the afternoon of 12/7 with no Santa, no bright lights, and less people….
Weekly on Sundays 9:15-10 am Youth AM Gather (Kingswood 4) – (except December 24)10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary) December 3: Youth Group with friends from First Pres 7-8:30 pm (Kingswood 4) December 7-9: Breakfast with Santa prep & event December 10: ASP Team Gather 7-8:30 pm December 17: Combined Christmas Party (Youth, ASP Team, and alumni)…
We will be celebrating the birth of Jesus 3 times in 3 distinct ways on Christmas Eve, so we hope you will join us at least once, if not twice! At 10:15am, our regular Sunday morning worship time, Pastor Mark will break out his saxophone for the prelude, and we will hear the familiar story,…
Youth Sunday SchoolWeekly 9:15-10 amYouth Room Youth Group7:00-8:30 pmApril 23 Appalachia Service Project Team Gathering7:00-8:30 pmApril 2, April 16 & April 30 Appalachia Service Project Fundraisers & Special ProjectsMarch 31 & April 1: Shawn’s Eagle Scout Project Assistance (playground)April 2: 5 pm Egg Stuffing for Egg My YardApril 7: 8 pm Egg LayingApril 8: 7…
Unwrap the gifts of hope, love, joy and peace with us at Covenant. 2024 Advent and Christmas seasons calendar of events. Sun 12/1 10:15 am: 1st week of Advent followed by decorating the churchSanctuaryPreacher: Rev. Mark Terry “Don’t Call it a Comeback” Tues 12/3 7 pm: How to Cope with the HolidaysKingswood ChapelIf the holidays…