The Greatest of These is Love – Covenant Celebrates 100 Years of Weddings

The Greatest of These is Love – Covenant Celebrates 100 Years of Weddings

On September 18, a video of wedding photographs was premiered as part of Covenant’s Celebration of Marriage and Commitment. It contains photos from 49 couples. Anniversary years range from 1945 to 2021. In some cases, there are photos from multiple generations of families who were married at Covenant. Thanks to all who contributed these special…

Covenant Couples Renew Their Commitments

Covenant Couples Renew Their Commitments

On a beautiful September afternoon, featuring weather that any bride and groom would wish for, seven couples renewed their vows surrounded by more than 40 friends and family in person and online. The service, which was based on the traditional wedding service from the United Methodist Book of Worship, included the traditional vows and a…

Rev. Haydn McLean, Son of Covenant, Remembers Sermons, Youth Choir and MAD Magazines

Rev. Haydn McLean, Son of Covenant, Remembers Sermons, Youth Choir and MAD Magazines

Haydn McLean grew up at Covenant in the 1960s. He became a minister and went on to serve churches in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference and several hospital chaplancies. Haydn and his wife Gail visited Covenant on September 11. He remembered sermons that seemed trivial at the time but turned out to be very meaningful in…

Covenant Supports the People of Ukraine

Covenant Supports the People of Ukraine

Soon after the invasion of Ukraine, Covenant’s Sanctuary Decorating Team added vases of yellow sunflowers with blue ribbons (the colors of Ukraine’s flag) to windows in the front of the Sanctuary. These flowers serve as a symbol of concern and hope for a peaceful resolution as we continue the people of Ukraine in our prayers….

Covenant Welcomes Rev. Diana Esposito

Covenant Welcomes Rev. Diana Esposito

On August 24, Covenant welcomed Deacon Diana Esposito as Pastor of Children, Youth, and Community Engagement. One of her goals is to meet with members of the community to identify local needs and community partners. Diana is a lifelong resident of Delaware County. She, her husband Andrew, and their two children have lived in Springfield…

Covenant’s History Continues: The Third 25 Years

Covenant’s History Continues: The Third 25 Years

The third installment of the History of Covenant spanning 1972 to 1997 shows a time of activity and involvement. Activities included the beginning of Covenant’s commitment to the Appalachian Service Project, the CROP Walk for Hunger, partnerships with other churches such as St. Daniel’s UMC in Chester, the Reassurance phone ministry, and work with Habitat…

Rev. Mark Young Returns to Covenant and His Hometown

Rev. Mark Young Returns to Covenant and His Hometown

On July 31, Rev. Mark Young, who served Covenant as Senior Pastor from 2009 to 2012, returned to give the message. Pastor Mark, who grew up in Springfield and attended Hancock United Methodist Church, now serves Phoenixville United Methodist Church. He spoke about the changes in the community and the church and how things happen…

ASP Sunday: Reflecting on 41 Years of Service & Dedication of ASP Hall

ASP Sunday: Reflecting on 41 Years of Service & Dedication of ASP Hall

As part of Covenant’s ongoing 100th anniversary celebration, on Sunday during the ASP Service we were honored to have past and present volunteers from the Covenant Appalachia Service Project (ASP) team offer reflections on what ASP has meant to them since Covenant started participating in ASP, way back in 1982.  The following ASP alumni shared…