Covenant Youth: December Calendar

December 1:
9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)
10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)
7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall)
December 6:
Breakfast with Santa Prep
December 7:
7 am – 12 pm Breakfast with Santa
December 8:
9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)
10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)
7-8:30 pm: Youth Group (Youth Room)
December 14:
9 am – 1 pm: City Team Meal Delivery
December 15:
9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)
10:15 am: Worship – Special Music (Sanctuary)
7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall)
December 18:
7 pm Quiet Christmas
December 22:
9:15 am: AM Gathering (Youth Room)
10:15 am: Worship (Sanctuary)
7-8:30 pm: Youth Group & ASP Combined Christmas Party (Fellowship Hall)
December 24:
7 pm: Family Christmas Eve Service
10 pm: Traditional Christmas Eve Service
December 29:
10:15 am: Worship – Special Music (Sanctuary)
7-8:30 pm: ASP Team Gathering (Fellowship Hall) — TBD
Covenant Youth is open to all 6th-12th grade students.
For more information, contact Deacon Diana Esposito
For more information about Help Build Hope, contact Greg Corner