Everybody Wins in Covenant’s Big Game Against Hunger

Everybody Wins in Covenant’s Big Game Against Hunger

Players from Covenant Church and teams from all over the community came together last Sunday to pull off a big win. Each year Covenant and friends participate in the National Souper Bowl of Caring (SBOC), a youth-inspired, youth-led movement to tackle hunger during the weeks leading up to the NFL’s Super Bowl. In January, teams…

Bringing in Donations for SBOC? Here’s a List of Urgently Needed Items.

Bringing in Donations for SBOC? Here’s a List of Urgently Needed Items.

Our local food banks to a pretty good job of knowing their customers and their needs. They also keep the pulse of what they’ve got coming in. And they know what’s needed to fill the gap. Here are the latest lists of urgently needed items from the food banks we support. If you are going…

Covenant’s Choirs Continue a Long Tradition of Special Music for Advent

Covenant’s Choirs Continue a Long Tradition of Special Music for Advent

On December 11th, the third Sunday of Advent, following on a long tradition of presenting special music for the Advent Season, Covenant’s Chancel Choir, Covenant Ringers bell choir, percussionists, and readers from within the congregation presented Hal Hopson’s cantata Sing Noel! A Carol Service. Hal Hopson (born in Texas in 1933) has over 3,000 published…

Communion Chalice Celebrates Methodism

Communion Chalice Celebrates Methodism

The Communion chalice used on Sunday, December 4 was handcrafted by the late Leon (Lee) Sperow, a long-time member of Covenant. Lee was a talented jewelry maker and silversmith. He created this unique chalice with its intricately carved stem as a gift to Covenant. It is engraved with the message, “Presented to Covenant United Methodist…

Chalice is a Copy of One From the St. George’s Church Museum

Chalice is a Copy of One From the St. George’s Church Museum

The chalice used for Communion on November 6 was given in loving memory of Frederick William Schwarz by his wife, Jane in 1975. It is sterling silver and number 43 of a limited edition. This chalice is a copy of one given to Francis Asbury by John Wesley in 1785. The original is on display…

“Everything He Needed to Know He Learned at Covenant”

“Everything He Needed to Know He Learned at Covenant”

On October 16, Rev. Russell Atkinson returned to Covenant. Russell grew up at Covenant, singing in the choir, attending Youth Group and Confirmation. He answered the Call to the ministry and has served many churches throughout the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the UMC and has been very involved in mission projects. He is currently serving…

Covenant’s Longest Tenured Pastor Returns to the Pulpit

Covenant’s Longest Tenured Pastor Returns to the Pulpit

On October 2, Rev. Bob Mongold, who served Covenant as Senior Pastor from 1988 to 2004, returned to the pulpit. Bob and his wife Dianne traveled from their retirement home in Williamsburg, VA to take part in the Anniversary celebration. Bob recalled that his years at Covenant have been among the happiest of his life….