“Everything He Needed to Know He Learned at Covenant”
On October 16, Rev. Russell Atkinson returned to Covenant.
Russell grew up at Covenant, singing in the choir, attending Youth Group and Confirmation. He answered the Call to the ministry and has served many churches throughout the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the UMC and has been very involved in mission projects. He is currently serving nearby Drexel Hill UMC. (We remember the crash of a helicopter on the church lawn and speculate that it could only happen to Russell.) In his sermon, Rev. Atkinson remembered many things he learned at Covenant from finding his way around the Bible to the historic context of women’s roles in Palestine as conveyed in the parable of the Unjust Judge and the Widow.

Russell recalled the importance of people at Covenant showing love, generosity, and mercy as he was growing up. They were persistent even though they had no idea what a blessing their presence would be. This provided the framework for his faith journey. He encouraged us to continue to do this with persistence for one another and the world.