Update from Bishop Schol: Thank you for stepping up to the challenge.

Covenant, you certainly tackled the challenge from Bishop Schol. Thank you. You’ll see a photo of our crew sorting donations in the video!

YouTube video

Message from Bishop Schol: Food Collection Update

Dear Friends in Christ,

This past Sunday, the winners were the people in our communities. You raised 74,044 pounds of food. Praise God! Thank you for your generosity and commitment to be in ministry with those who need food.

I also thank our churches and community organizations who every week serve people who are hungry. You are Christ in the world (Matthew 25:35).

The Eagles played a great game and came up a little short. I sent the following video to the United Methodists in Kansas and Missouri. It was their challenge that spurred us on to be a generous people.

Keep the faith!


Bishop John Schol
The United Methodists of
Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey

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