Covenant’s 2024 ASP Team – Building Kindness

Covenant’s Appalachia Service Project (ASP) team is getting ready for our annual summer mission trip. This is our 43nd year participating with ASP! On June 29th, we’ll depart for a week of service in Perry County, Kentucky to help improve living conditions for some families in need. This is Covenant’s fourth time serving in Perry County and we can’t wait to get there and do our part of building kindness.

Each year, the folks at ASP come up with a theme and Bible verse for the summer program. This year’s theme is “Building Kindness”:

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

While we finish preparing for this summer’s trip, we’re also training to be more kind and compassionate! The Appalachia Service Project is all about building things – we build new homes, we build relationships, we build community. We build on the foundation of God’s love shared with all of us through Christ who modeled a life of service, compassion, and intentional kindness. Our theme verse tells us that we are called to live by building kindness with each other. This is an intentional way of life where we give of ourselves in love and compassion to others. We do this with a servant heart, in humility, and we offer kindness with no expectation of receiving anything in return.

God has been busy calling volunteers from near and far to build this year’s team. In addition to team members from Covenant and the Springfield area, our 2024 summer ASP team includes volunteers from Trinity Episcopal Church in Swarthmore, volunteers from Allentown PA, from Yorktown Heights NY and from State College PA.

As we continue preparing for our trip, and then as we dedicate the first week of July to serving others, we’ll be working on building relationships with our team members, our supporters and the families we serve – all of it through God’s love. We are grateful for all of the kindness and compassion the Covenant community has shown us. This is what makes it possible for us to show kindness and compassion to others.

To make our mission trip possible, we need to raise just over $18,000 and we are about 80% there!

Here are two ways you can help:

Get on the ride! Sponsor a volunteer in the 2024 ASP Bike Hike

Be a Prayer Partner

We can’t do this without you! Thank you.

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