Message from Bishop Schol | Super Bowl Food Drive Challenge

We’ve already started receiving donations for local food pantries through the Delco Souper Bowl of Caring. Thank you! We’ve been challenged to step it up! We’ve only got until Sunday!

YouTube video
Message from Bishop Schol | We’ve been challenged:

Dear EPA&GNJ friends, sports fans and people who care about others,

We’ve been challenged. The United Methodists of Missouri and Kansas (Chiefs fans) have the audacity to challenge the good people of EPA&GNJ in conjunction with this Sunday’s Super Bowl. Apparently, they think their football team is better and that they can collect more food for area food banks than we can.

The football game will be settled on the field. But we can demonstrate our commitment to help feed those who need food. Time is short. We only have until Sunday at game time, 6:30 p.m., to collect as much food as we can.

Each congregation will determine how many pounds they raised and where they will donate the food. Scour your pantries, invite your neighbors to join in, and work with your local supermarket to collect as much food as possible. Some churches may already be participating in the annual Souper Bowl of Caring. You are welcome to add this to your congregation’s count.

If we collect more food, they will send your bishop some Kansas City barbeque. If they collect more food, I will be sending two pastors and a player to be named later 😊. No actually, I will send some Tastykakes and Philly Cheesesteaks. We will keep you posted throughout the week about how we are doing.

Please forward this email to your congregation and neighbors. Let’s work together to raise food for our neighbors.

Use the following online form to report how much food you collected. If you are an EPA&GNJ clergy or lay person that lives outside the area you are welcome to collect food and give it through the congregation you attend or a food bank near you and report it through the form. Thank you!

Bishop John Schol
The United Methodists of
Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey

From: John Schol, Bishop
Sent: Tue, Feb 7, 2023 12:05 pm

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